Tuesday 5 October 2010

Aesop's Fables Research


Aeosop's fables are short stories which teach children life lessons and morals. The appeal is humorous and entertaining to children with educational benefits. Another aspect of Aesop's fables shows that animals can speak to humans which is one of the reasons the fable's are aimed at children, it's easier and more enjoyable to teach children the things they want to know but also beneficial in the future. Fables can also be described as tales or yarns which have a message in their narrative such as a parable might have. Fables can often pass into our culture as myths and legends.
Because one of Aeosop's birth places was suggested to be in Greece

Friday 1 October 2010

Radio Jingles

Links To My Radio Jingles.

http://www.supload.com/listen?s=aJs74h - Advert

Script- Gurty and Barbs Grow you own friend.

Gurty (Emily) : Woah! What's that doing there?

Barb (Jo) : That's my friend, Gurty!

Gurty: But Barb! That's a flower pot!

Barb: It's not just a flower pot, Gurty! That's my grow your own friend! Yeah that's right! for only £38.95 i gots me my best friend.

Each grow your own friend needs watering twice a day, batteries sold separately. Sold only in Asda and Tesco. 

http://www.supload.com/listen?s=D7LNVQ - Promo

Script- Gurty and Barbs Radio Talk show/ problem helpline.

Starts off with Eminem ft Rihanna - Love the way you lie. Then fades into speech.

Gurty and Barb: My name is Gurty, my name is Barb, we run the station to share the love.

It then fades into some of the pre-recorded shows to give a taster to the listeners showing them what the show would usually involve.

Voice 1: Your 'aving it off with my Sister!

Voice 2: Free country mate (laughs)

Gurty: Well you know when the cats away the mice play!

The advert then fades back to including the details and Gurty and Barb speak.

Barb: Gurty and Barb, tune into our talk show.

Gurty: And problem helpline, weekdays 5.30 on S.N.C Live.

Barb: You've got the issues.

Gurty and Barb: We've got the tissues, mate!

http://www.supload.com/listen?s=WfjtnV - 5 Second Jingle

5 Second Introduction to Radio Show.

The background music involves an electric sound which played through out the whole jingle, I chose the style so the jingle would sound modern.

Emily: Your listening to tricks with the hits on S.N.C Live!

Codes And Conventions Of 'Logic Pro'. 

To create these audio clips I used a programme called 'Logic Pro' which is a D.A.W ( digital audio work station.) I used this to edit and manipulate my audio clips into appropriate jingles for SNC Live radio station.
The best audio format for uploading to internet would be mp3 as it has a small file capacity. However when compressed e.g. onto a CD it loses quality because it is a lossy format.
-To start a new project on Logic Pro you first have to click on 'file' then 'new project.' Choose an empty project. You then add a track and select 'file' then 'save as' where you give your project a name.
- Within Logic Pro the inserts allow you to change the pitch of the audio as well as removing distortion by using the plug ins.
- Automation helps by making the editing easier for you. It does most of it for you except you still have control on what you want done. Automation also helps to fade the length of each track.
The snap setting determines where the regions go. An ideal setting for creating a jingle would be to put the settings on sampler then it's free to move where you like.
-Once you have created your jingle you press the 'bounce' button. A dialogue box then pops up, you then save your work into the bounces folder and create a name for your project. You then format it as a 'Wave' or a 'AIFF' and make sure normalise is off.


By taking part in using the software 'Logic pro' it allowed me to learn how to edit and develop Radio jingles. I first learnt how to add tracks and decide the length of the audio and the pitch. Logic Pro also allowed me to remove distortion on the voice clips as well as adding music and sound effects in the background of the speech to make it sound more professional.
Next time when I use Logic Pro i won't be as timid as I have now had experience with the software. This helps a lot which now means I can in future get my projects finished a lot quicker because I will then be comfortable with most of the tools and settings which are relevant to the software. I enjoyed using Logic Pro as it improved my confidence with using computers. Before I used Logic Pro it was not clear to me how it would be possible in creating tracks and editing, this was the first time I had ever experienced any successful form of editing and development on computer software.
Over all I am very pleased with my finished Radio Jingles because they were exceedingly fun to create. They also developed my skills in working with a partner and expanded my knowledge in computer editing software. I know think it would be possible to learn more editing skills when beforehand I would be very nervous and less likely to get involved where as now i enjoy having the confidence and using it to the best of my ability.