Wednesday 7 September 2011


TV Advert Production.

Secondary Research

To start off my secondary research I would first like to look into the biggest fizzy drink companies and develop an understanding of why they are so successful. I am starting with one of the most successful organisations which is The Coca-Cola Company.
First established in 1886 by Dr John Styth  Pemberton, Coca-Cola has been one of the worlds leading brands of soft drink. The company looks into detail of the demographics of people and the economy to maintain a knowledge of relevant trends in order to know what path to take their advertising so it will always have appeal and success.
For years Coca-Cola has had a massive impact amongst the nation, their simple red and white logo is recognised over the globe. Coca-Cola also influenced the original green suited image of Santa Claus. In 1931 Coca-Cola displayed their Christmas adverts in magazines of a jolly, red cheeked man with a long white beard and a red suit. Due to the fact that magazines were so widely viewed and that this image of Santa had appeared in magazines for more than three decades. The image of Santa Claus that people have today is highly based on Coca-Cola’s advertising. This information stresses how powerful the Coca-Cola cooperation is. Because the company has been around for many years and it has produced endless amounts of adverts, it has had time to be recognised and respected by everyone.
The demographics of people e.g. age, race, gender have all been met by the companies marketing techniques, therefore creating a beverage to suit all kinds of people. However there are other brands of Coca-Cola that target specific audiences; market segmentation, creating different types of soft drinks for different types of people. Coca-Cola’s diet soft drink is targeted to consumers who are older in age, between the ages of  25 and 39. Coca-Cola also market a ‘PowerAde’ sports drink for people who are fit and exercise often, there is also ‘Winnie the pooh’ sipper cap juice drinks to target children between the ages of 5 and 12. I believe that Coca-Cola’s marketing techniques prove to be incredibly successful due to the fact that they target a wide variety of people making it appealing and affordable and most importantly very popular.
The adverts producers target these specific groups by making every single visible thing in the advert relevant to the target audience. E.g. for PowerAde sports drinks adverts; every thing is sporty from the imagery to the music, as well as the narrators voice being excited and full of energy. All those relevant aspects make it easier to realise for the target audience that the product being advertised is suitable for them and their needs of being a sporty person. To be certain  of a popular audience the adverts producers test the advertising techniques to specific types of people to develop a clear understanding of what the specific group wants. This is a vital revision technique to use before making an advert because then you have some idea of the audience wants and needs and their opinion on the product.
The Coca-Cola company displays an understanding of socio-economics due to the fact that it is very seasonal and there are adverts  promoting the products that are relevant to upcoming events that are worldly known such as the Olympics and Christmas.  

This is a website for the London 2012 Olympics. It’s advertising to the world that anyone can be apart of the Olympics as well take part at holding one of the Olympic flames. To enter it is very simple as you can see in the bottom right corner there is a link in which you can use to nominate people who you think is suitable to participate in the event. I think this advert provides evidence for coca- Cola in which the company displays equality in their adverts and tries to cater to all different types of people in order to appear as a friendly product as well as being involved with many important events throughout the years. This is a good affect to have on the economy and peoples opinions on the company as they are cleverly associating themselves with the events to then make the world associate the company with these events. E.g. Coca-Cola famously changed the original colours of Santa Claus giving evidence that the company can easily change the opinions of a lot more events to come. Therefore making the name, Coca-Cola recognised across the nation and to safely know that it will be recognised as a popular trend for many years to come.

The colours on the logo are kept very simple yet bright and positive looking. The colours that are used are red and white which can show connotations of contrasting outcomes E.g. red can be shown as evil. However, it can also be shown as the colour of love. Being  showed next to the colour white, it converts it more into the appearance of being about love and kindness as apposed to evil. The colours together appear more positive then negative because the red is placed next to the white, the white being a pure and angelic colour which levels out the colour of the red. The logo in itself is also very simple because it consists of is writing and a circular shape surrounding the writing. However, the fact that the brand has been around for many years is given away from the font as it very old fashioned yet classy. On the other hand you could argue that the writing does not suggest the age of the brand as the logo has been rearranged, tweaked and modernised for many years therefore there is no evidence in the logo of the age of Coca-Cola. There has been over fifty Coca-Cola slogans in the UK and America since 1886. The current slogan in the UK is ’Do you know a future flame?’ Obviously Coca- Cola is going to heavily based the Olympics for the next couple of years as it is the biggest tourist attraction  to ever happen. The Olympics will bring a colossal amount of money into the UK so cleverly Coca-Cola has jumped onto the bandwagon and sponsored the UK Olympics making a considerable amount more business for the company.

Primary Research 1

The first advert I am going to analyse is a PG Tips advert made in  January 2011, starring Johnny Vegas and a monkey puppet. I personally enjoy watching this advert as it cleverly uses ordinary house hold items to create a rhythm. They use these sound effects instead of any dialogue which displays a unique way of building up tension and excitement before the actual use of the advertised product is used.

The narrative with in the advert displays a normal everyday household in which a man and his friend Monkey lives in. It shows they do normal things such as watching television and enjoying nothing more than drinking Britain’s favourite and most stereotypically loved hot beverage and putting their feet up, much like other people who live with in the UK. I think this narrative is perfectly suited to the audience of different classes as it shows that even famous people like Johnny Vegas enjoy the product. As tea has been around for generations I think it is easier to match the product to an audience including the whole of the UK as the massive stereotype of British people drinking tea is known across the nation. I also think the advert is comforting for other countries to watch as they can understand the humour in which the product is delivered and would definitely be persuaded to try it as part of experiencing Britain’s culture.
The Mise-en - scene of the set design appears to be overall very homely; displaying a home in which normal working class people would live in. I believe the set of inside the home was specifically made to appear warm and cosy with the dark and warm colours used inside the interior. However, at the beginning of the advert the colour schemes of the inside entrance of the house are darker and colder, matching the exterior of the house which is shown from inside of the house, with the camera looking outside from the inside to a very dull, rainy day. Then as the advert goes on the colour scheme of the house turns to warmer colours to match the rhythm of the advert and to show relevance to what is happening at the same time E.g. Johnny Vegas lights the fire and all of a sudden the colours appear a lot warmer, using dark reds, burnt orange and brown. I think this was used to build up the mood of the advert, for instance at the start of the advert the cold colours were to symbolise unhappiness and depression where as when the advert goes on the colours symbolise happiness and stability to emphasise the quality of the product and the fact that it has an amazing effect on people such as relaxation, positivity and warmth.
 I also believe the instruments with in the household were all common household objects in which Britain is most commonly known for using. I have noticed that most of the props used in the advert require a switch. Such as the lights, kettle, fire, Television and reclining chairs. These props are deliberately used within the advert as they make similar clicking noises to create the tension and a quick rhythm. These props are also relevant to everyday household items that are regularly used. Rather then using just clicking noises the sound operators have added other sound effects to add excitement to the advert. Another aspect to the sounds of the advert is that they start off negatively. Such as the rain which is controversial with people but most commonly disliked. After comes the shivering of Johnny and the monkey showing they are uncomfortable and desperate for warmth. The actors then  carelessly drop their shopping bags creating a rustling thud on the floor meaning that they are not bothered as to what happens to the shopping. They then remove their Wellington boots by squeezing them off uncomfortably and again throwing them on the floor, the reaction of the monkey to this being a painful cry as he holds onto a lamp to help the situation, not caring what happens to the lamp. The painful cry was used as a sound effect to enhance the believability to the audience that the actors are tired and unhappy, tired as they throws the props down in exhaustion and without care. Johnny then places his coat on the coat rack effortlessly with a sigh ready for him to relax. This shows that positivity is creeping into the sound effects. The actor throws the product to the puppet casually without looking which makes it look like its an everyday occurrence within the household and also adds evidence to him appearing tired and unhappy.
The positive mood in the sound effects becomes more noticeable as the monkey walks out of shot with the product whilst humming a happy song. More happy sighs are used as the kettle is turned on as well as the television and the fire. All aspects of comfort and relaxation in which delivers reassurance to the audience that things are getting better for the actor and monkey puppet. Cries of happiness whilst the monkey is making the PG tips tea and Jonny is watching something exciting on television. This shows excitement all round and it also shows that the product is positively changing their moods which is the main message the advert wants to display. The tempo of the sound effects and transition of the camera shots quicken as the advert is coming to an end  showing the fridge open , the milk being removed then the fridge door slamming. The camera shots are quicker and the sound effects become louder to display that the actor and monkey can not wait much longer for the product showing the positive effect the product has, thus making the audience seeing nothing but a good outcome from the product resulting in them wanting to buy it. The tea bags are quickly being dropped into the tea cups with a scream of delight by the monkey showing that he can not wait much longer. Johhny then quickly steps in to his duck shaped slippers creating a loud quacking noise as he places each foot with the slippers. The duck slippers show connotations of immaturity and fun. I believe this shot was added to add humour to the advert and to take the audience away from the desperation for a second leaving the audience in a happy mood. The kettle then finishes boiling, the moment the viewers are waiting for as the quick camera shots and close ups are all involved to create tension and for the audience to stay interested. The water is quickly poured and stirred as the monkey shouts ’Tada!’ the monkey puppet is then reunited with the actor so they can share the amazing experience the product has shown it creates. They both sit down and recline in their chairs. This brings tension levels and excitement down a key of relation. This shows connotations of a relaxed and calm atmosphere as if it is advertising the atmosphere to the audience. The advert ends with the actor and monkey slurping their cups of tea with a final sigh of relaxation and contentment.  Overall the props and the sound work together in this advert to display the journeys of the different moods displayed. They also work together to create the tension which  determines the levels of excitement. These aspects are vital when playing their part to connect an audience with an advert.
The costumes that are used in the advert also determines the moods that are shown. At the start of the advert the actor and monkey are both shown wearing waterproof coats and hats as well as wellington boots. This displays connotations of insecurity and a sense of them trying to prevent and escape. The colours of the rain macs are dark and dull with the actor being in a plain black coat and hat and the monkey’s coat being a dull mustard yellow. The wellington boots are equally as boring being a dark green. Overall the costumes at the beginning are shown as dull and lifeless being helped with the added ambient lighting and the dull colour scheme of the house surrounding the actor and monkey. The costumes are then uplifted as the actor removes his coat to display a warm and rich red knitted jumper, the jumper displays connotations of warmth and security instantly uplifting the mood. The monkey removes his costume to reveal that he is not wearing any clothes, sticking to the conventions of him being an animal and to the fact that animals do not generally wear clothes.
The actor and the monkey that have been used by the producers to star in the advert are commonly used as comical figures already in the media, the actor already being a comedian as well as an actor mainly starring on a comedy panel show or a sitcom. I believe the representation of the characters are shown in the same light in which married couples are shown in. The set being the perfect surrounding to promote the idea of man and wife to the audience. I’m sure the use of the monkey who is already a puppet , a non-living object performing the stereotypical roles of a house wife was unintentional. However, the coincidence is based on a common working class home which involves men and women performing certain roles. The monkey (woman) is in the kitchen making the tea and the man is in the living room, watching the television, waiting for his tea to be made without asking for it, displaying an unwritten rule he may or may not have created. I believe you can argue that the advert represents women as objects or a puppet in which men can pull the strings whenever they wish. On the other hand the adverts displays that the actor and monkey proves to be the perfect team in which they work together; The monkey is in the kitchen making tea for both of them, whilst the actor is in the living room, lighting the fire, turning on the television for them both to use and making everything ready for them both to enjoy their tea together. Evidently mixed reviews on representation is possible for the audience to have although I for one believe that there is a difference involving the demographics of each of the characters.  Displaying a definite divide in status within the household.
The lighting is specifically used to determine the mood of the advert. At first when the characters enter the house the lights in the house are switched off and the scene is only lit by natural daylight. However, the natural daylight is very grey and miserable instantly showing that the moods of the characters are going to be effected by this. As soon as the product is introduced the lights with in the house is switched on and shows to be very bright as well as the fire being used to add comfort to mood of the lighting as well as satisfaction. The dull lighting at the beginning of the advert changing quickly into bright lights shows the contrasts and the effects of before having the product and after having the product. This displays the message of the product proving to uplift your mood and relax you.

Overall I believe this advert proves to cause the product a lot of success as the product has been around for many of years delivering the same message of comfort and tranquillity yet also contrasting with a feeling of excitement towards the build up of consuming the product. The advert that I analysed much like the others has delivered humour and acceptance to the general audience of any class. I personally love that one product can be delivered to such a wide audience and is respected and loved by money due to its massive success throughout the years.

Debenhams - This is the life.

The second advert in which I would like to analyse is by Debenhams. Debenhams is a British retailer operating under a department store format in the UK. The advert was made in 2011 and it features the song called ‘This is the life’ by two door cinema club, an Irish band that is very popular in Britain. This advert is conventionally made British as it stars British fashion and models wearing the Debenhams brands with London landmarks in the background. The advert is also made conventionally British as the season is shown through the clothing as it is getting towards the winter months in England so British people are more likely to purchase the clothing making British people with a taste for designer labels. The target audience for this particular advert would have to be from a working class background or even higher in class to have interest in the product as Debenhams is known for marketing designer labels for a affordable price.

The Mise-en-scene proves to be overall very classy yet laid back as it displays the journey of the companies product and the outcome. At the beginning of the advert it shows different cultures of people of different ages making the clothes, then models of both genders modelling the clothes and the consumers wearing the elegant clothes yet enjoying life in a field with cold weather showing that they may not be able to afford other activities all the time yet they’re happy people having fun and that’s what everyone wants. This argues that Debenhams targets a wide audience from young to old people with a normal working life enjoying the product in which Debenhams has to offer. However, as it displays the designers making the clothes and people dancing in expensive nightclubs whilst wearing the clothes it can indicate that the products are mainly suitable for higher class people that can afford it. On the other hand it can also mean that the product is suitable for all kinds of people as it shows both classes experiencing the joys of the fashion at Debenhams.

The set changes from the designing of the clothes and creating them in the studio to people wearing the clothes in a night club. The set then changes back to the designing studio then to people in a field who are also enjoying the clothes. Again the set goes back to another designing studio then to people enjoying the clothes whilst riding bikes through a town. The studio’s that are shown are always stylish and unique displaying lots of inspiration and neutral colours to let the contrasting bright colours of the clothing stand out in the advert. The neutral colours of the studios also outline the determination in the designers faces and the fact that they really enjoy what they are doing.

The props in all of the studios are basically the same such as measuring tapes, mirrors and mannequins. All these props indicate that it is in fact the designers imaginations that are creating the clothes to make them look unique and very fun and not the equipment that is very similar and not as exciting to look at compared to the clothing.

The lighting of the studios are all very brightly lit which would stylishly compliment any flaw, this in my opinion glamorizes the advert in which would interest an audience and encourage them to want to buy the clothes as they’re fashionable and flattering and they indicate a glamorous lifestyle. The actors in the studio are all at work making clothes very carefully. The actors that play the roles of the designers all have serious faces as though they’re concentrating, this shows that they are passionate about they’re work as well as fashion. This represents the actors playing the stylists to be emotional and creative due to their strict visual facial expressions and could easily be interpreted as the actors not liking what they are doing, representing the designers as depressed people. The costumes of the designers all appear to be of dark colours yet of very fashionable cuts to suit their bodies. This indicates that they are very knowledgeable about what fashion style works and the dark colours look as though that the designers are treating themselves as blank canvas’s in order to let their inspiration to be delivered to the companies clothing which displays they are again passionate about what they are doing. The clothing displayed in the advert represents the company to be fun and classy at a price. I believe this displays a message of having to work for something your serious about and for something that you really want in life which is a positive note upon an audience.

However the night club is highly lit with dark undertones of navy, green and black. The dominant colour was a dark blue colour to indicate that its night and also a mysterious yet classy vibe for the clothes to be advertised in. Although the colour of the blue In the night club was dark it was brightened up by the flashing bright lights which livened everything up. Everything in shot matched each other following the same colour codes. I believe the colour code indicated the season of the new fashion range in which Debenhams is advertising as well as creating an atmosphere in which particular clothes would look appropriate to advertise in. The clothing looked suitable for going to a nightclub in yet classy, associating the nightclub with being up-market. This represents some of the clothes to appeal to more of a middle/ higher class audience due to the glamour in which everything is displayed as.

The actors within the nightclub scene are constantly smiling and dancing, they look like they’re having the time of the lives. With the smiles already on their faces their clothes are moving naturally and by the actors moving them with the hands E.g. one actor removes her jacket. This exercise was to show off the clothing and to also associate being happy with the clothing which shows to the audience that Debenhams can sell happiness.


Fizzy Drinks - Questionnaire
 I asked a group of  8 teenagers studying at Suffolk New College between the ages of 14-19 about fizzy drinks and what the target audience would prefer in an advert.

1. What is your favourite flavour of fizzy drink out of the list below?
2. Is the quality of the ingredients vital for you to know?
3. What age is the most suitable to allow children to start drinking fizzy drinks?
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
4. How important is Nutritional value of a fizzy drink to you?
“ I don’t drink fizzy drinks”
“It doesn’t bother me as I don’t buy fizzy drinks very often”
“Quite important as they are usually very fattening and bad for your teeth”
“Vital! I don’t drink anything with sugar or sweeteners”
Other ( please state underneath)
5. Are fizzy drinks a good source of energy to you?

Fizzy Drinks Advert - Questionnaire
1. What is the first thing you look for when looking at a shelf of fizzy drinks in a supermarket/ shop out of these answers?
Flavour of the drink
The colour of the packaging
The name of the drink
The size and shape of the bottle
2. What is your favourite colour out of the list below?

3. Is it important for an advert to have emotional value?
4. Does an advert need a catchy song to remember or pure dialogue?
A catchy song
A mixture of both
5. Does the advert need to be relevant to the product?
6. Does the advert need to provide a storyline?


Results for the fizzy drink questionnaire :

1. What is your favourite flavour of fizzy drink out of the list below?

Cola - 4

Cherry - 2

Raspberry - 2

Blueberry - 0

Strawberry - 0

Lemon - 0

Lime - 0

2. Is the quality of the ingredients vital for you to know?

Yes - 6

No - 2

3. What age is the most suitable to allow children to start drinking fizzy drinks?

8 years - 0

9 years - 2

10 years- 5

11 years- 1

4. How important is Nutritional value of a fizzy drink to you?

“ I don’t drink fizzy drinks” - 1

“It doesn’t bother me as I don’t buy fizzy drinks very often” - 2

“Quite important as they are usually very fattening and bad for your teeth”- 3

“Vital! I don’t drink anything with sugar or sweeteners” - 0

Other ( please state underneath) - “ I don’t really care as long as it tastes nice.”

- “ Fizzy drinks aren’t supposed to be good for you”

5. Are fizzy drinks a good source of energy to you?

Yes - 6

No - 2

Results for the fizzy drinks advert:

1. What is the first thing you look for when looking at a shelf of fizzy drinks in a supermarket/ shop out of these answers?

Flavour of the drink - 4

The colour of the packaging - 1

The name of the drink - 3

The size and shape of the bottle - 0

2. What is your favourite colour out of the list below?

Red - 4

Green - 0

Blue - 1

Purple - 1

Pink - 0

Yellow - 0

Orange - 2

3. Is it important for an advert to have emotional value?

Yes - 5

No - 3

4. Does an advert need a catchy song to remember or pure dialogue?

A catchy song - 6

Dialogue - 0

A mixture of both - 2

5. Does the advert need to be relevant to the product?

Yes - 7

No - 1

6. Does the advert need to provide a storyline?

Yes- 8

No- 0



The fizzy drink which I am creating is called “VITA- MINI.“ The name of the product was taken from the words ‘Vitamin’ and ‘Mini’ as the product contains vitamins in a miniature bottle. I believe it’s the perfect name for my drink as ‘it does exactly what it says on the tin!‘ My inspiration came from my self as from experience I know I won‘t feel 100% happy or have half the energy if I don‘t have a least one nutritional meal a day and take vitamins in a routine. I believe that this fizzy energy/health drink can be vital to everyone‘s daily routine and overall uplift their mood and energy levels. And in return I would like my fizzy drink to advertise happiness as well as bags full of healthy energy. The drink is specifically a energy/health drink in order to give any person of any class all of their required natural energy, vitamins as well as super foods in one drink. I am targeting a very wide audience as I believe that this particular product could be used by any busy adult or child from the ages of 10 upwards. There is going to be no harmful artificial colourings or flavourings, it will only have healthy natural vitamins that are found in super foods focusing mostly on fruit juices.
This website displays some of the fruits that are listed as a super food such as:
. Bananas
. Apples
. Strawberries
. Blueberries
These ingredients will be amongst other vitamins to help metabolism, encourage energy and to overall create a base for an all round healthy body.
The advert in which I will create will make people aware of super foods and what they do to the body. I would like to display a project in the advert of the product being tested on a small group of busy individuals who could do with the extra help of ‘VITA-MINI.’ I would like to include a 5 week ‘VITA-MINI’ diary of a small number of people into one advert and let them express their opinions of how ‘VITA-MINI’ has changed their lives. At the beginning of the advert will state the age and occupation of each of the individuals showing the wide range of the audience in which I would like to target. One of the people will be a working class mum in which she struggles to find a balance between work and looking after her children. Another will be a successful middle-aged business man who struggles to maintain a healthy diet due to his hectic working lifestyle. Another will be a teenager struggling to find a happy medium between university, work and having a social life. I’m using these particular characters to demonstrate the different types of people in which the product targets.


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